November 2, 2010


(taken with polaroid 185 on blue film)

today is going to be a perfect fall day.
air is crisp and chilly a bit, yet have a lot of sunshine, trees are colorful, and i'm relaxed.
a lovely fall day is a something admirable.

i have one confession here.
i'm afraid that i'm suffering from figholic.
though i am, i'm not unfortunate because it's not harmful or contagious at all.
it's just a happy food accident.

i don't buy figs so often, like every 2~3 days, but once a week.
i buy them only on Saturday or Sunday.
i buy 5~6 pieces at one time, and eat them one a day.
i sometimes generously share my figs my husband.
but mostly i eat them all by myself, because he allows me to do that as my little and biggest pleasure.

and now, i've bought a small basket of figs 8~9 weeks in a row.
everytime i go to co-op with him, he entices me to buy them.
and i always hesitate to do that because they are not affordable at all.
but then, he strongly insists that i deserve to do that somehow, and i happily yield myself to that word.
in that way, i've bought figs 8~9 weeks in a row.
i'm happy.

i'm happy, but i've just started to think that i can shift from figs to persimmons.
well, frankly speaking, i want to eat persimmons.
of course i love figs and appreciate my husband for allowing me to have them, but to tell the truth, i'm a bit tired of figs.
now i'm wanting persimmons.

maybe, i'll buy persimmons instead of figs this weekend.

fall is full of my favorite fruits, and that makes me love fall more.

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